Today’s #kanji is #起, which is listed under its semantic element of #そうにょう(走) and its phonetic element is 巳, although, the modern style has 己 instead.
Reading: キ(ギ)、お
起工(キコウ): the start of (construction) work
起床(キショウ): getting up (in the morning)
起点(キテン): the starting point
起立(キリツ)!: [a command] Rise! | Stand (up)!
縁起(エンギ): an omen, a sign of good/bad fortune
再起(サイキ): a comeback; recovery
突起(トッキ): a projection, a prominence, a bump
起(お)きる: (for a person) to get up, to get out of bed
起(お)こす: to raise … up, to pick … up, wake (someone) up
起(お)こる: (for something) to happen, t occur, to take place
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