Today’s #kanji is 越, which is listed under its semantic element of #そうにょう(走), to walk. Its phonetic element is 戉.
Meaning: to go over, to go away
Reading: エツ(エッ)、こ
越境(エッキョウ): crossing a border
越冬(エットウ)する: to stay over the winter; to hibernate
越年(エツネン)する: to see out the (old) year, to greet the New Year; to pass the winter
僭越(センエツ)な: presumptuous, arrogant, insolent
卓越(タクエツ)する: to excel, to surpass, to stand high
超越(チョウエツ)する: to transcend, to rise above, to be superior
優越(ユウエツ): superiority, supremacy, paramountcy, predominance
越(こ)える: to go over, to pass, to clear; to exceed, to go beyond
越(こ)す: to cross, to pass
繰(く)り越(こ)し: 【bookkeeping】 a transfer, a carryover
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