Today’s #kanji is 路, which is listed under its semantic element of #あしへん(𧾷), which is of course related to 足. Its phonetic element is 各 but 路 and 各 don’t share a sound.

Meaning: a road, a street
Reading: ロ、じ、みち*
路肩(ロかた/ロケン): the shoulder of a road, the edge of a road
路地(ロジ): an alley, a lane, an alleyway
路上(ロジョウ)で/に: in/on the road, in/on the street
路線(ロセン): a route, a line
路頭(ロトウ): the roadside, the way side
路頭に迷う: to be turned adrift, to become homeless
路面電車(ロメンデンシャ): a surface car, a streetcar, a tram
回路(カイロ): a circuit, an electric circuit
道路(ドウロ): a road, a thoroughfare, a street, a highway
恋路(こいじ): a love affair, the path of love, romance
三十路(みそじ): thirty years of age, (a person in) one’s thirties
Customary Reading
路(みち)*: a street, an avenue, a thoroughfare, a road (道 is more common)
- 各