Today’s #kanji is 辞, which is listed under the radical of #しん(辛). 辞 used to be considered an informal variant of 辭, which is a compound ideograph made of the left side of 辭 (I cannot bring it up onto the computer), which means to control and 辛 means “a sin.” Therefore 辭 apparently originally meant “to judge a sin/crime.”
Meaning: to quit, to decline, a word
Reading: ジ、や
辞意(ジイ): one’s resolution to resign
辞書(ジショ): a dictionary
辞職(ジショク)する: to resign, to leave one’s employment
辞表(ジヒョウ): a (written) resignanation, a letter of resignation
お世辞(セジ): an insincere compliment, flattery, blarney
固辞(コジ)する: to firmly decline
賛辞(サンジ): a praise, a compliment
祝辞(シュクジ): a congratulatory speech, a message of congratulations
弔辞(チョウジ): a eulogy, a letter of sympathy, words of condolence
辞(や)める: to resign, to retire, to quit (one’s job)
For more JLPT N3 study materials, please visit my JLPT N3 Kanji page as well as JLPT N3 Grammar page.
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