This week’s #kanji is #迷. In my dictionary it is listed under its semantic element of #しんにょう and it says its phonetic element is 米. I have also heard of a theory that it is a compound ideograph. Either way, can you tell the meaning?
Meaning: to get lost, to hesitate
Reading: メイ、まよ
迷信(メイシン): (a) superstition, a superstitious belief
迷路(メイロ): a maze, a labyrinth
迷惑(メイワク)(な): troublesome, annoying, bothering, inconvenient
低迷(テイメイ)する: tp hand low, to hover (low)
迷(まよ)い: confusion, bewilderment, perplexity
迷(まよ)う: to lose one’s way, to hesiteta, to be captivated
It seems I have missed a turn.
I’m wondering whethere or not to buy it.
a lost lamb