Today’s #kanji is 退, which is listed under #しんにょう(辶), which suggests something to do with coming and going. However,my dictionary 大修館書店 新漢和辞典 says 退’s original form is 𢓴 and it is a compound ideograph made of 彳(to stand still) + 日 (to reach) + 夂 (to walk slowly shuffling one’s feet).
Meaning: to recede, to retire
Reading: タイ、しりぞ、ど*、の*、ひ*
退院(タイイン)する: leave (the) hospital, discharge from hospital
退化(タイカ): retrogression, degeneration, regression, atrophy
退会(タイカイ)する: withdraw (from a society), to cease to be a member
退学(タイガク)する: to leave school, to withdraw from school
退屈(タイクツ): boredom, tedium, dullness
退職(タイショク)する: to retire from office, to resign an office
引退(インタイ)する: to retire (from active life), to withdraw from public life
中退(チュウタイ)する: to drop out of school, to quit school
退(しりぞ)く: to retreat, to recede, to withdraw, to retire
退(ど)く*: to get out of the way, to make room for…
退(の)く*: to get out of the way, to step back, to leave, to retire
退(ひ)く*: to recede, to fall back, to withdraw, to resign
退(しりぞ)ける: to turn away, to keep away; oust … from …, to defeat, to refuse
退(ど)ける*: to remove, to put … out of the way
退(の)ける*: to remove, to get rid of; to omit, to exclude, to leave out
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- しんにょう