Today’s second #kanji is #間, which is made of #もんがまえ(門) and 日. Apparently the older form of this character had 月 instead of 日 and it described the moonlight shining between closed doors!
Meaning: space, time, relationship, etc.
Reading: カン、ケン、あいだ、ま
間隔(カンカク): a space, a gap, an interval
間接(カンセツ): indirectness
時間(ジカン): (the) time, an hour
一週間(イッシュウカン): one week
世間(セケン): the (real) world, the public
長(なが)い間(あいだ): for a long time, for a long period of time
この間(あいだ): the other day, recently, not long ago
間(ま)もなく: soon, shortly, before long
居間(いま): a living room, a parlor
仲間(なかま): a group, a company, a mate
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