Today’s #kanji is 降, which is listed under its semantic element of #こざとへん(阝), which means a hill, the earth, etc. Its phonetic element is 夅, which is not included in the 常用漢字 list but it has the meaning of “descending.”
Meaning: to descend, to fall, to drop, etc.
Reading: コウ、お、ふ(ぶ)
降雨(コウウ): rainfall, rain(s)
降格(コウカク)する: to be demoted, to move down
降伏(コウフク)する: to surrender, to admit defeat, etc.
降臨(コウリン)する: to descend
降臨節: 【Christianity】 Advent
以降(イコウ): from this/that point forward, on and after
下降(カコウ)a descent, a fall, a drop, a dive, a decline
降(お)りる: (for a frost) to occur; to alight, to get off; to give up (a post), to withdraw from …
霜が降りる: for a frost to fall
バスを降りる: to get off a bus
降りる駅を間違える: to get off at the wrong station
仕事を降りる: to withdraw from a job
ゲームを降りる: to quit the game
For the meaning of descending, 下りる is more common way of writing.
降(お)ろす: to set (a passenger) down, to unload, to take (something precious) down, to remove (a person) from a position
客を降ろす: to drop off a passenger
旗を降ろす: to lower a flag
社長の座から降ろす; to remove … from the presidency
For the meaning of “moving something lower”, 下ろす is the more common character.
降(ふ)る: (for rain/snow, etc.) to fall, to come down
土砂(ドシャ)降(ぶ)り: a heavy rain, a downpour
For more JLPT N3 Kanji characters, please visit this page.
- こざとへん