Today’s #kanji is #雑 is listed under the radical of #ふるとり(隹) but 雑 is an informal version of 雜 which in turn is a variant of 襍. 襍 is made of its semantic element of #ころもへん(衤) and phonetic element of 集 which has the meaning of “gathering,” so can you guess what 雑 originally meant?

Meaning: miscellaneous, rough
Reading: ザツ(ザッ)、ゾウ
雑貨(ザッカ): [noun] miscellaneous goods, sundries
雑学(ザツガク): [noun] wide knowledge, varied knowledge, knowledge of trivia
雑誌(ザッシ): [noun] a magazine, a journal, a periodical
雑種(ザッシュ): [noun] a mixed breed, a crossbred, a hybrid
雑多(ザッタ): [なadj] sundry, miscellaneous, varied
雑務(ザツム): [noun] miscellaneous business, odd duties
混雑(コンザツ)する: [vi] to be congested, to be crowded
複雑(フクザツ): [なadj] complicated, complex, intricate
雑言(ゾウゴン): [noun] abuse, curse
雑作(ゾウサ): [noun] trouble, difficulty (can be written 造作 as well.)
- ふるとり