Today’s #kanji is #静 which is a simplified version of 靜. 靜 is made of its semantic element of #あお(靑) and phonetic element of 爭 although 爭 and 静 do not share a sound.
Meaning: quiet, calm
Reading: セイ、ジョウ、しず
静観(セイカン)する: [vt] to watch calmly, to wait and see
静止(セイシ)する: [vi] to stop moving, to come to rest, to stand still
静養(セイヨウ)する: [vi] to take a rest, to rest quietly, to recuperate
安静(アンセイ): [noun] rest, quiet, repose
平静(ヘイセイ): [なadj] calm, serene, tranquil, peaceful
冷静(レイセイ): [なadj] calm, cool, cool-headed, levelheaded
寂静(ジャクジョウ): noun silence, stillness, quiet, tranquility
静(しず)か: [なadj] quiet, silent, still, calm, placid
静(しず)まる: [vi] to become quiet/still/silent, to calm down
静(しず)める: [vt] to calm … down, to pacify, to soothe