Today’s #kanji is 頂, which is listed under its semantic element of #おおがい(頁), a head. Its phonetic element is 丁.

Meaning: peak, head, top
Reading: チョウ、いただ、いただき
頂上(チョウジョウ): the top, the summit, the peak
頂戴(チョウダイ)する: to receive, to be given, to accept; to eat, to enjoy
頂点(チョウテン): an apex, a vertex; the peak, the zenith
骨頂(コッチョウ): the height (of…)
具の骨頂: the height of absurdity, sheer stupidity
無駄の骨頂: an utter waste (of time)
山頂(サンチョウ): the summit of a mountain, the mountaintop
絶頂(ゼッチョウ): the peak, the height, the highest period, the zenith, the acme; the summit (of a mountain)
天頂(テンチョウ): the zenith, the vertex
登頂(トウチョウ)する: to climb to the summit, to reach the summit
頂(いただ)く: to be presented with …, to be given
頂(いただき): the summit, the peak, the spire, the crown
Please visit my JLPT N3 Kanji list for more JLPT N3 kanji characters. At least 2 links are added each week.
- おおがい