Today’s #kanji is #題, which is listed under its semantic element of #おおがい(頁). The supposed sound element 是 does not share a sound with 題. Can you read it and do you know what 題 means?
Meaning: title, a forehead
Reading: ダイ、テイ*、ひたい*
題(ダイ): a subject, a theme; a title, a caption, a heading
題材(ダイザイ): subject matter, a theme, material
題目(ダイモク): a subject, a theme; a title, a caption, a heading; [Buddhism] the prayer of the Nichiren sect
課題(カダイ): a subject, a topic; an assignment; a task, an issue
議題(ギダイ): a subject for discussion, an agenda
主題(シュダイ): a subject, subject matter, a theme
宿題(シュクダイ): homework, an assignment; a pending issue
本題(ホンダイ): the main issue, the main subject
例題(レイダイ): a sample exercise
話題(ワダイ): a topic (of conversation)
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