Today’s first #kanji is #食.Apparently its original meaning was “gathered good grains.” When 食 becomes a へん (the left side of a kanji), it’s called しょくへん and written as 飠(loses a stroke).
Meaning: to eat
食物(ショクモツ): food, foodstuffs
食器(ショッキ): tableware, dishes, dining utensils
朝食(チョウショク): breakfast
断食(ダンジキ): a fast, fasting
乞食(こジキ): a beggar, a tramp
食い物(くいもの): food, provisions; a victim, prey
食う(くう): to eat (for this meaning, 食(た)べる is more common); to live; to consume; to receive; to beat; to bite; to be cheated
食らう(くらう): to gobble; to gulp; to be on the receiving end of …
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