Today’s #kanji is #館, which is listed under its semantic element of #しょくへん(飠). Its sound element is 官 which has the meaning of “government office building.” So can you guess what 館 means?
Meaning: an inn, a public building, etc.
Reading: カン、やかた、たち(だち)*、たて(だて)*
館長(カンチョウ):a director, a curator
会館(カイカン): a hall, an assembly hoaal, a clubhouse
図書館(トショカン): a library
映画館(エイガカン): a cinema, a movie theater
本館(ホンカン): the main building
別館(ベッカン): an annex, an extension
旅館(リョカン): an inn, a Japanese-style hotel
館(やかた): a mansion, a palace
館(たち/たて): a manor house, a mansion (not commonly used)
<Place Names>
館山(たてやま): a city in Chiba
函館(はこだて): a city in Hokkaido
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