Today’s Question
What is a 読みかけの本?
Today’s Grammar Point: ~かける、~かけの
~かける、~かけの is used when:
- exerting the action of ~ on somebody else
- an action has been started but not completed (“be in the middle of ~” or “be midway through ~”) if used with a verb whose action should take a while to complete
- something was about to happen but it stopped just before too late (“nearly ~” or “be about to ~”) if used with a verb whose action should be completed in a moment
[verb stem] + かける
[verb stem] + かけの + [noun]
verb stem is the ます form verb without ます
Examples of Meaning No. 1
I spoke to the girl who sat next to me.向かいのおばあさんに微笑みかけた。
I smiled at the old lady across from me.
Examples of Meaning No. 2
John started to say something but stopped.エイミーさんは立ちかけて、また腰を下ろした。
Amy started to stand up, but then sat down again.これは父の読みかけの本です。
This is the book my Dad has started to read but not yet finished.食べかけのサンドイッチがある。
There is a half-eaten sandwich.
Examples of Meaning No. 3
I nearly died with a flu shot.弟はプールで溺れかけた。
My brother nearly drowned in a swimming pool.
[verb stem] + かけだ = (something) is half way through ~.
My report is only partly written.そのセーターはまだ編みかけだ。
The jumper is still only half-knitted.
Answer to Today’s question
A 読みかけの本 is a book that I started to read but not finished reading yet.