Today’s Question
飛行機は 遅れがちです means almost the same as:
a. 飛行機は いつも遅れます。
b.飛行機は よく遅れます。
c. 飛行機は たいてい 遅れません。
d. 飛行機は すこし 遅れています。
Today’s Grammar Point: ~がち
~がち is used to describe a rather negative tendency, inclination or habit.
- “tend to ~”
- “be inclined to ~”
- “~ rather often/frequently”
[verb stem] + がち ([verb stem] = ~ます verb minus ます)
[noun] + がち
Young people are apt to go to extremes.人は個人の成功を収入によって測りがちです。
One tends to measure the success pf an individual by his income.ジョンさんは病気がちです。
John tends to get sick.飛行機は遅れがちです。(today’s question sentence)
Aeroplanes are subject to delays.ジョンさんは最近忘れ物をしがちです。
These days John often leaves things behind.給料の支払いが遅れがちだ。
Our wages have often been paid late.最近は栄養が偏りがちだ。
These days my diet is often unbalanced. (← These days my nutrition tends to be lop-sided.)エイミーさんは夢見がちな年頃です。
Amy is an an age when people dream a lot.夫は留守がちです。
My husband is often away.今日は曇りがちの天気だった。
It was mostly cloudy today.
Answer to Today’s question: b
See above
~がち is to describe a tendency or an inclination in a way of “~ rather often”
John gets sick rather often.
If we want to describe “someone is rather ~ (than not)” we often use ~ぎみ
John is rather sick (than not).
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