Today’s Grammar Point: ~ごとに
~ごとに follows a noun or a dictionary form (= plain non-past form) verb and means “every ~” or “every time ~.” It is similar to ~たびに but they are not always interchangeable. Differences between ~ごとに and ~たびに are explained at the bottom of this page.
- [noun]ごとに
- [plain non-past verb] ごとに
We’ve got more things every time we moved.オリンピックは四年ごとに開かれる。
The Olympics are held every four years.新幹線は5分ごとに発車します。(Today’s question sentence)
Shinkansen trains depart every 5 minutes.一雨ごとに暖かくなる。
It gets warmer and warmer every time it rains.税制は国ごとに異なる。
Tax systems differ from country to country. (Every country has a different tax system from others.)グループごとに別の課題に取り組んでいる。
Each group is working on a different task.ヘアカットに10000円払うごとに1ポイントもらえます。
You will get 1 point for every 10000 yen you pay for a haircut.5000キロ運転するごとに、車を点検してもらわなければなりません。
Every time you drive 5000 kilometers, you have to have your car inspected.このホテルは五回泊まるごとに部屋をアップグレードしてくれます。
This hotel gives you an upgrade every fifth time you stay here.
Set expression with ごとに
事ごとに in everything, at every turn
ジョンさんとエイミーさんは 事ごとに対立した。
John and Amy were always getting at each other.姑は 事ごとに私に辛く当たった。
My mother-in-law gave me a hard time in every case.
Differences between ~ごとに and ~たびに
When ~ごとに and ~たびに follow a noun, ~ごとに can be used immediately after the noun but you need の between the noun and ~たびに.
We cannot use ~たびに when a number is included in the noun.
We cannot use ~たびに when ~ごとに means every and each.
(✓) 税制は国ごとに異なる。
(×) 税制は国のたびに異なる。
~ごとに is more objective and ~たびに is more subjective
(✓) ヘアカットに10000円払うごとに1ポイントもらえます。 (rather automatic)
(✓)ヘアカットに 10000円払うたびにもったいないと思います。(subjective)
Every time I pay 10000 yen for a haircut, I feel I’ve wasted money.
Answer to Today’s question: a
For meaning, see above. None of the other choices make sense.
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