Today’s Question
( )をしている最中(さいちゅう)に雨(あめ)が降(ふ)ってきた。
Which word sits better in the brackets?
a. 京都旅行(きょうとりょこう)
b. 散歩(さんぽ)
Today’s Grammar Point: ~さいちゅう(に)/まっさいちゅう(に)
~最中 means “middle of ~” and often used with the particle に (time marker) in a rather negative situation where something (usually unexpected) happened in the middle of something important. However, it can be used without に. See examples below. If you add 真っ before it, 真っ最中 emphasises the “middle,” so it’s like “right in the middle of ~.”
- [noun] の (真っ)最中(に)
- [てform] いる(真っ)最中(に)
The phone rang in the middle of having a shower.デートの真っ最中に元カレと出くわした。
I bumped into my ex in the middle of a date.オリンピックの最中に台風が来た。
A typhoon came during the Olympics.今はオリンピックの真っ最中ですから、このホテルは予約がいっぱいです。
Now that we are in the middle of the Olympics, this hotel is full of reservations.リスニングテストの最中には入退室できません。
You cannot enter or leave the room during the listening test.ご飯を食べている最中に地震が起きた。
An earthquake struck while we were having a meal.散歩をしている真っ最中に雨が降ってきた。
It began to rain while I was having a walk.勉強している最中に停電が起こった。
A power outage occurred while I was studying.大事な電話をしている真っ最中に話しかけないでよ。
Don’t talk to me in the middle of making an important phone call.姉は子どもを寝かしつけている最中なので、電話に出られません。
My sister is putting her child to sleep, so she can’t answer the phone.
最中 can only be used to specify a very narrow window of time. You cannot use 最中 for a rather long interval while 間 can be used for both.
I met a friend while I was in Tokyo.
(✓)東京にいる間に友達に会った。I met a friend during meetings in Tokyo.
Answer to Today’s Question: b
a. 京都旅行(きょうとりょこう) can be a few days long while b. 散歩(さんぽ) would finish in a few hours, thus 散歩 sits better .