Today’s Question
とき can be replaced with
a. あと b. こと c. さい d. まえ
Today’s Grammar Point: ~さい
~際 is a very formal alternative for ~とき, which can be translated as “when ~” or “at the time when ~.” As 際 is a very formal expression, it is often used within an honorific expression. Most 際 can be replaced with とき but there are some occasions you can’t. See the examples below.
- この/その/あの + 際
- [noun] の際
- [plain form verb] 際
Let’s stop it on this occasion.
この際 is a set expression meaning “now,” “in these cercumstances,” etc, and you cannot swap it with このとき.(✓)その際はお世話になりました。
Thank you for your help at that occasion.
そのときは is not wrong but as it is very informal, it does not match the formal feel of お世話になりました.(✓)離陸の際はシートベルトを締めてください。
Fasten your seat belt when taking off.
My impression is that 際 covers a slightly longer period than とき, so I get the feeling that 離陸の際 includes the period when the aeroplane is moving on the ground while 離陸のとき sounds more like the very short period when the aeroplane gets airborne.近くにお越しの際は、お立ち寄りください。(formal)
Please drop in when you come nearby.前回の旅行の際の写真です。(formal) – Today’s Question Sentence
This is a photo during my last trip.ご乗車の際は、携帯電話のスイッチをお切りください。(honorific)
Please switch off your mobile phone when boarding.車に乗る際には、必ずシートベルトを締めています。(formal)
When I get in the car, I always fasten my seat belt.次回帰国する際には、必ず参ります。(formal)
I will definitely come to you when I go back to Japan next time.オランダに行った際に、ゴッホ美術館に行きました。(formal)
When I went to Holland, I went to the Van Gogh Museum.このカーペットを購入した際のレシートです。(formal)
Here is the receipt I got when I bought this carpet.
Answer to Today’s Question: c
See above