Today’s Question
a. つかあない b. つかえず c. つかわず d. つかわない
Today’s Grammar Point: ~ず(に)
[~ない form stem] + ずに
In case of する/します, せずに instead of しずに
without doing ~
~しないで means the same but せず(に) sounds a bit more formal.
- 朝ごはんを食べずに仕事に行った。
I went to work without eating breakfast. - だれにも気づかれずに外に出た。
I stepped out without anybody noticing it. (<= without being noticed. 気づかれる is a passive form of 気づく) - さよならも言わずに行っちゃった。
He’s gone without saying good bye. - これは包丁を使わずにできる料理です。
This is something you can cook without using a kitchen knife. - 宿題をせずに学校に行って、先生に怒られた。
I went to school without doing my homework and I got told off by my teacher. - 寄り道せずに帰ってきなさい。
Come straight home without stopping along the way. - 買い物に行ったけど、何も買わずに帰ってきた。
I went shopping but I can home without buying anything. - 去年はどこへも行かずに一年が終わった。
Last year has gone by without (me) going anywhere.
Common expressions using ~ず
- 見ず知らずの人 = a stranger/strangers
I was cheered by strangers. (<= I got cheers from those people who I never met or known.) - 食べず嫌い(recent usage)/食わず嫌い(traditional usage) = disliking something without even trying (not necessarily about food), an instinctive/unjustified aversion
Don’t say you dislike it when you haven’t even tasted it.
クラシック音楽を食わず嫌いしている人 が多い.
Many people simply refuse out of hand to listening to classical music.
Answer to Today’s Question
The intended meaning is: “Please write (it) without using kanji characters.” So the correct answer is: c. つかわず
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