Today’s Grammar Point: ~たいものだ/~たいものです
~たい(です) is used to express what I want to do. Today’s expression ~たいものだ/~たいものです is a variation of ~たい(です) but it is used for a wish that is difficult to fulfill or something you have longed for for a long time. ~たいものだ/~たいものです cannot be used for a simple or direct wish.
- [verb stem] + たいものだ/たいものです
verb stem is a ます form verb without ます
もう一度京都の桜が見たいものだ。(Today’s caption)
I want to see the cherry blossoms in Kyoto again.雪の日ぐらい暖かい布団の中で寝ていたいのものだけど、今日も仕事だ。
I’d love to stay in a warm bed on a snowy day but I still have to go to work today.一生に一度は試験で満点を取ってみたいものだ。
I want to get a perfect score on an exam once in my lifetime.一度はウエディングドレスが着たいものだ。
(Though I haven’t had a chance and can’t see it happening soon but) I want to wear a wedding dress once.こんな日は母の声が聴きたいものだ。
I want to hear my mother’s voice on a day like this.ヨーロッパリバークルーズに行きたいものだ。
One day I want to go on a European river cruise.一億円のダイヤの指輪をはめてパーティーに行きたいものだ。
I want to go to a party with a 100 million yen diamond ring.
[てform verb] ほしいものだ
If you have a strong wish for somebody else to do something and that wish is not likely to be fulfilled, you can use the pattern:
- [person] に [てform verb] ほしいものだ/ほしいものです
I want my husband to wash the dishes about once a weekうるさい客には早く帰ってほしいものです。
I want noisy customers to go home early.たまには息子に何も言わなくても宿題をしてほしいものだ。
Sometimes I want my son to do his homework without me reminding him.
Answer to Today’s Question: c
~たいものだ suggests the wish is not easy to fulfill, so the answer should be sometime far away.
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