Today’s Question
How much did I actually study?
Today’s Grammar Point: ~たつもり
つもり means an “intention”, so つもり is often used with a dictionary form verb to express the speaker’s intended action in the future, but if つもり is used with a past tense verb, ~たつもり can express an assumption or conviction which may not necessarily true or real.
- [たform verb] + つもり
たform verb is the past plain form of a verb
I studied as if I went to Kyoto University.親になったつもりで小さな妹の面倒を見た。
I took on the role of a parent and cared for my little sister.死んだつもりで一生懸命働いた。
We worked as hard as we could.
(We worked hard as if we are no longer alive.)駅までタクシーに乗ったつもりで貯金した。
I put away the money I would have spent on a taxi to the station.あなたになったつもりで考えてみました。
I tried looking at it from your point of view.電源を切ったつもりだった。
I thought that I had turned off the power.すっかり合格したつもりになっていた。
I was sure that I had passed.かぎをここに置いたつもりなのに見つからない。
I thought I put my keys here, but now I can’t find them.「きれいにそうじしたつもりです」「つもりじゃだめですよ」
“I thought I cleaned it all up.”—“Thinking isn’t good enough.”やり方はわかったつもりになっていたんですが。
I thought I understood how to do it but ….昨日宿題を終わらせたつもりだったんですが、最後の問題が残っていました。
I thought I had finished my homework yesterday but the last question was not answered.
Answer to Today’s Question: I want to say I did a lot but I’m not sure.
For the actual meaning of the sentence, see above.
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