Today’s Grammar Point: ~ても・・・ても
~ても is a N4 grammar item, meaning “even if ~.” This ~ても can be used more than once in a sentence to state various conditions and we often use 2 opposing, or very different, conditions with ~ても to convey the feeling that “the result would be the same even if different conditions are met.”
- [てform verb 1]も、[てform verb 2]も
- [いadj stem 1]くても、[いadj stem 2]くても
- [な adj 1]でも、[な adj 2]でも
- [noun 1]でも、[noun 2]でも
As long as the meaning are contrasting, you can have the てform of 2 different kinds of words, like a verb and an adjective, or an adjective and a noun.
Whether it rains or spears, tomorrow’s excursion is going on.
雨が降っても、槍が降っても is a colloquial expression used a lot.泣いても笑っても明日は来ます。
Whether you cry or laugh, tomorrow will come.教科書を読んでも、先生にきいても、答えがわからない。
I don’t know the answer even though I read the textbook or asked the teacher.うれしくても悲しくても、今日で授業が終わりました。
Whether happy or sad, today’s lesson was the last one.おいしくてもまずくても、母が作ったお弁当を食べなければなりません。
Whether it is delicious or bad, I have to eat the lunch my mother made.頭が良くても、スポーツができても、正直でない人は嫌いです。
I don’t like dishonest people even if they are smart or good at sports.好きでも嫌いでも、日本ではみんな英語を勉強しなければなりません。
Everyone has to study English in Japan, whether they like it or hate it.新鮮でもからだに良くても、芽キャベツは嫌いだ。
I hate Brussels sprouts, whether they are fresh or good for the body.日本語でも英語でも、この概念を説明するのは難しい。
It is difficult to explain this concept in whether I try in Japanese or in English.医者でも看護師でも、病院で働いている人は忙しい。
People working in hospitals, whether doctors or nurses, are busy.
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