Today’s Grammar Point: ~とおす
通す itself usually means put someone/something through (to …) but it can be used after a verb stem and adds the meaning of “continuously” and/or “to the end.” It is similar to ~つづける but ~通す is usually used for an willful action and somewhat implies “without stopping.”
- [verb stem] とおす
I spent all night crying that night.鈴木さんは地震の後、50キロ歩き通してうちに帰ってきた。
Mr Suzuki came home walking for a full 50 km after the earthquake.母の長い手紙を最後まで読み通した。
I red through my mum’s long letter.最後までだまし通すつもりですか。
Are you intending to deceive to the end?途中何回かあきらめかけたけど、最後までやり通すことができた。
I almost gave up midway a few times but I managed to complete it till the end.父は50年間同じ会社に通い通した。
My father commuted to the same company for 50 years.母は私の無実を信じ通した。
Mum believed my innocence.
This implies either my innocence was proved or Mum has died.いろいろ言われたけれど眞子さんは自分の意思を貫き通した。
Although many things were said, Mako kept her will.命が尽きるまで戦い通すつもりです。
I will keep fighting until the end of my life.二人は結婚した時の誓いを守り通した。
The two kept their marriage vows.
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