Today’s Grammar Point: ~とたん(に)
とたん is a noun meaning “the moment” or “the instant” but it is usually used like an adverb with or without the particle に and that means “at that moment.” It can also be used after a past plain verb and ~とたん(に)… means “as soon as ~, … .”
- as it is
- そのとたん(に)
- [plain past verb] とたん(に)
ラーメン屋を見たら、とたんにラーメンが食べたくなった。(Today’s caption)
When I saw a ramen shop, I immediately wanted to eat ramen.実家に帰ったんだけど、とたんにプリンが食べたくなって二つも食べてしまった。
I went to my parents’ house but immediately after that I felt like eating cream caramel and I ended up eating two.この間バスに乗ったんだけど、そのとたんにトイレに行きたくなって、困ったよ。
I traveled on a bus the other day, but the moment I boarded the bus, I felt like going to the bathroom and I didn’t know what to do.ケーキを見たとたんに食べたくなった。
As soon as I saw the cake, I felt like eating it.ジョンさんは父親の姿を見たとたんに逃げ出した。
John ran away as soon as he saw his father.父親の声を聞いたとたんに、泣き出した。
As soon as I heard my father’s voice, I started crying.家を出たとたんに雨が降ってきた。
As soon as I left home, it began to rain.テレビを買い替えたとたんに、ビデオが壊れた。
As soon as I bought a new TV, the video broke down.部屋に入ったとたんに三度もくしゃみが出た。
As soon as I entered the room, I sneezed three times.電話を切ったとたんに言い忘れたことを思い出した。
As soon as I hung up, I remembered what I had forgotten to say.レポートを提出したとたんに、間違いに気づいた。
As soon as I submitted the report, I realized I made a mistake.
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