Today’s Grammar Point: ~とべつに/~とはべつに
べつに alone means “particularly” or “in particular” but you can use it in the form of “~とべつに” or “~とはべつに” to say “apart from ~” or “separately from ~.” This は is for showing contrast, so if you use は, “apart from” part gets emphasised.
- [noun] と別に
- [noun] とは別に
Apart from the course dishes, I also ordered gyoza dumplings.授業料と(は)別に教材費がかかります。
Apart from the tuition fee, you will be charged for materials.ジョンさんには奥さんと(は)別に愛人がいます。
John has a mistress apart from his wife.夫にプレゼントするワインと(は)別に、自分で飲むワインも買いました。
Apart from the wine I give to my husband, I also bought the wine I drink myself.本業と(は)別に副業をしている人が多いです。
There are many people who have a side business separately from their main business.この問題と(は)別に、何か質問がありますか。
Do you have any questions apart from this problem?エイミーさんは学校の宿題と(は)別に毎日三時間バイオリンの練習をします。
Amy practices the violin for three hours every day, apart from her school homework.あの政治家には公表している資産とは別に、奥さん名義の資産がたくさんあります。
That politician has a lot of assets in his wife’s name, apart from the assets he has made public.
[plain form verb] の と(は)べつに
We sometimes use “[plain form verb] + の” instead of a noun and that means “What … does/did.”
Apart from what we eat, we also have to make baby food for our son.母が作ってくれたのとは別に、私もこれを作りました。
Apart from what my mother made, I also made this.今日買ったのとは別に、昨日までに買ったワインもあります。
Apart from what I bought today, I also have wines I bought by yesterday.
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