Today’s Grammar Point: ~とも
~とも has the meanings of “all ~” or “inclusive of ~.” The kanji for that is 共 but in this meaning, we usually write it in Hiragana.
When it means “all ~”
- [a number] + [counter] とも
I have two younger sisters, both of whom are single.ケーキを三つ買ったんだけど、おいしかったから三つとも食べちゃった。
I bought three cakes, but they were delicious so I ate all three.四人家族ですが、四人とも豆腐が嫌いです。
We are a family of four, but all four dislike tofu.制服のシャツは五枚とも乾いてないので、学校に着て行くシャツがありません。
All five uniform shirts aren’t dry, so I don’t have a shirt to wear to school.ジョンさんが昨日買った本は六冊とも日本語の本です。
All six books that John bought yesterday are in Japanese.昨日生まれた子猫は七匹ともオスでした。
All seven kittens born yesterday were male.このCDには九曲入っていますが、九曲ともすごくいいです。
There are nine songs on this CD, and all nine songs are really good.クラスの女子は十人が十人とも物理を選択しています。
All ten girls in the class choose physics.
Sometimes, ~とも can be used after a word that suggests a pair like 男女 (male and female), 夫婦 (husband and wife), 両親 (parents), 母子 (mother and child), 両方 (both), etc. even if it is not preceded with a number.
Life expectancy is increasing for both men and women.両親とも日本に住んでいます。
Both my parents live in Japan.母子とも(に)元気です。
Both mother and child are fine.金閣寺と銀閣寺は両方とも室町時代に建てられました。(Today’s caption)
Both Kinkakuji and Ginkakuji were built during the Muromachi period.
When it means “inclusive of ~” or “including ~”
- [noun*] とも
*This noun should be an additional item, not the main item.
600 yen for both the magazine and its appendix.送料ともで5000円です。
The price is 5000 yen including the postage.リフト券は発行日とも二日間有効です。
The lift ticket is valid for two days including the day of issue.
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