Today’s Grammar Point: ~ども
I talked about ~とも yesterday but if you add てんてん/濁点(〝), ~ども changes the nuance completely.
~ども is like ~たち that makes a noun into plural but ~ども sounds very rough and somewhat derogatory. For that reason, ~ども can be used for our own group as a humble expression. I don’t recommend using ~ども for other people/things unless you are very sure that your usage doesn’t sound offensive in the situation.
The kanji for that is also 共 but in this meaning, we often write it in Hiragana.
When it means “all ~”
- [noun] + ども
Examples of humble use
We humbly run a cake shop.私どもの街へようこそ。
Welcome to our city.手前どもの店では、曳きたてのコーヒーをお楽しみいただけます。
You can enjoy freshly ground coffee in our humble shop.
Examples of rough use
I/we defeated the guys.悪党どもに負けてたまるか。
The villains can’t beat us!ガキどもに食わせるやる。
I’ll feed the kids.あんな偽善者どもの話など聞くな。
Don’t listen to those hypocrites.近頃の若者どもはなっていない。
Youths these days have lots to be desired.野良犬どもを捕まえろ。
Catch the stray dogs.男どもには任せておけない。
I can’t leave it to the men.
Although 子ども is often used for “one child” these days and it is generally accepted but ども in 子ども is the same word and it was originally a derogatory term for “children.” So it is recommended to call other people’s child お子さん (or お子様).
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