Today’s Grammar Point: ~ぶり
Today’s grammar point is ~ぶり. It’s written in the same way as my last post but today’s ぶり follows a duration phrase and it means “for the first time in ~.”
- [phrase to describe the length of time] ぶり + です/の/に
- [number + time counter] ぶり + です/の/に
何 can be used instead of a number.
This is the first time going back to Japan in a while.
- I recommend remembering 久しぶり as a set phrase for “for the first time in a while”.
I had wine for the first time in a fortnight and it was delicious.日本酒を飲むのは何カ月ぶりだろう。
I wonder how many months since I had Japanese sake last.一年ぶりに日本に帰った。
I went back to Japan for the first time in a year.二週間ぶりにワインを飲んだ。
I had wine for the first time in a fortnight.新幹線は五時間ぶりに運転を再開した。
The Shinkansen resumed its operation for the first time in five hours.十日ぶりに日本語の勉強をした。
I studied Japanese for the first time in ten days.五カ月ぶりに息子が帰ってきた。
My son is back for the first time in five months.二週間ぶりのワインはおいしかった。
The first wine in 2 weeks was delicious.キャンプ場にはシャワーがなかったから、三日ぶりのシャワーだ。
There was no shower at the campsite, so it was the first shower in three days.数年ぶりの再会にみんな喜んだ。
Everyone was pleased with the reunion for the first time in a few years.シドニーは十年ぶりの大雨だそうです。
I hear Sydney is having the first heavy rain in ten years.
Please visit my JLPT N3 Grammar page for more JLPT N3 grammar item.
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