Today’s Grammar Point: ~まわる
Today’s grammar point is ~まわる. 回る alone is an intransitive verb meaning “to go around,” “to spin” or “to run in a circle.” It can be used after the stem of a verb which usually describes some movement and ~まわる means “to do the action of ~ around/about.” See the examples below.
- [verb stem] + まわる
歩き回る: to walk about, to walk up and down, to pace
動き回る: to move around, to go about
泳ぎ回る: to swim around, to make one’s way through the world
駆け回る: to run around, to rush about, to be terribly busy, to lead a hectic life
探し回る/捜し回る: to search up and down (for …), look around (for …)
騒ぎ回る: to run around making noise
立ち回る: to move about, to go about doing …, to maneuver
出回る: to arrive on the market, to hit the market
尋ね回る: ask around
走り回る: to run around, to scurry about, to rush about
飛び回る: to fly around, to jump around, to rush about
逃げ回る: to run from place to place, to run about trying to shun (a creditor)
のたうち回る: to writhe, to wriggle, to roll around (in pain)
飲み回る: to drink at several places in succession; to drink at one place after another
cf. 飲み歩く: to go on a pub-crawl
這い回る: to crawl around, to creep about
持ち回る: to take … round, to carry around, to cart … around
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