Today’s Grammar Point: ~やら…やら
Today’s Grammar point is ~やら…やら, which is a casual/conversational version of ~や…や which is used to give examples. If やら is used only once, that is a different expression for uncertainty and I will talk about that at another time.
- [noun 1] やら [noun 2] やら
- [verb 1] やら [verb 2] やら
- [いadj 1] やら [いadj 2] やら
There are many temples and shrines in Kyoto, so there is a lot of greenery.宿題やらテストやらで忙しくて、アルバイトに行けなかった。
I couldn’t go to a part-time job because I was busy with my homework and tests, etc.近くにコンビニやらスーパーやらがいっぱいできて、便利になった。
Convenience stores, supermarkets, etc. have been built nearby, it has become more convenient around here.ジョンさんの部屋は本やらノートやらが散らかっていて、まさに学生の部屋だ。
John’s room is full of books and notebooks and a like, and it is certainly a student’s room.先週もらったバイト代は家賃やら食費やらであっという間になくなった。
The money I got for my part-time job last week was quickly gone because of rent and food expenses and alike.この子は泣くやらわめくやら、手が付けられない。
I can’t handle this child as he cries, screams and so on.子どもがいると、熱を出すやら、ケガをするやらで、医者とは縁が切れない。
If you have a child, you cannot stay away from a doctor as the child always gets feverish or injured or …日本に帰ると、友達に会うやら、親戚のところに行くやらでじっとしている暇がない。
When I return to Japan, I don’t have time to stay still because I meet my friends, go to my relatives and so on.息子が結婚すると、うれしいやら、さみしいやらわからない知らせが来た。
I received the news that my son is getting married. which gives me mixed feelings of being happy, lonely, etc.虫に刺されてかゆいやら痛いやらで眠れなかった。
I couldn’t sleep because of itching and pain caused by insect bites.入学試験に落ちて、悔しいやら情けないやら、どうしようもない気持ちになった。
As I failed the entrance examination, I was helpless as I felt regretful, pitiful, etc.
Please visit my JLPT N3 Grammar page for more JLPT N3 grammar item.
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