Today’s second #kanji is #乗. It’s listed under the radical #の(丿) in my kanji dictionaries.
It’s quite a complicated character, so pay attention to the stroke order below so that you don’t add or miss any stroke.
Meaning: to board
乗車(ジョウシャ)する: to take a train/car/bus, to board a train/bus
乗馬(ジョウバ): horse-riding
乗員(ジョウイン): a crew member, a crew
搭乗(トウジョウ)する: to board a plane/ship
乗る(のる): to get on, to mount, to ride
乗り気(のりき)(な): eager, enthusiastic, keen
乗り切る(のりきる): to ride out, to survive, to get through
乗り換える(のりかえる): to change (trains, etc.), to transfer (to another train, etc.)
乗り遅れる(のりおくれる): to miss (a train, etc.)
上乗せ(うわのせ)する: to add, to top
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