Today’s first #kanji is #東, which is listed under the radical of 木.
Meaning: east
Reading: トウ、ひがし、あずま(あづま)*
東京(トウキョウ): Tokyo (the capital city of Japan)
東北地方(トウホクチホウ): the Tohoku Region (north-eastern part of Japan)
東洋(トウヨウ): the East, the Orient
東海道(トウカイドウ): the Tokaido (road) – one of the five highways that ran from Edo (Tokyo) to Kyoto
関東(カントウ): (the) Kanto; the Kanto region
<Customary Readings>
東風(こち/ひがしかぜ/トウフウ): an easterly wind, a spring wind
東男(あずまおとこ): a man from Eastern Japan (regarded as more manly than those from the area around Kyoto, the capital)
東屋(あずまや): a summerhouse, a gazebo, a bower
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