Today’s #kanji is 申, which is listed under the radical of #た(田) but 申 is a pictogram depicting a spine and ribs to mean “to stretch straight.”
Meaning: to say, to stretch
Reading: シン、もう、さる*
申告(シンコク)する: to report, to declare, to file
申請(シンセイ)する: to apply (for…)
上伸(ジョウシン)する: to report … (to a higher office), to submit a report
答申(トウシン)する: to report, to submit a report, to submit the findings, to return a verdict
内申(ナイシン): an unofficial report, a confidential report
申(もう)す: the humble form of 言う to say
申(もう)し出(で)る: to offer, to make an offer, to request, to claim
申(もう)し込(こ)む: to propose, to offer; to apply, to claim; to book, to reserve
申(もう)し訳(わけ)ない: I’m very sorry. Thank you very much.
申(さる)年(どし): the year of the Monkey
For more JLPT N3 study materials, please visit my JLPT N3 Kanji page as well as JLPT N3 Grammar page.
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- た




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