Today’s #kanji is #真, which is listed under the radical of #目. You can remember this as: ナ + 目 + 一 + ハ.
Meaning: truth, genuineness
Reading: シン、ま
真剣(シンケン)(な): serious, earnest (The literal meaning of 真剣 is a “real sword” as opposed to an imitation sword. You need to be “serious” when fighting with a real sword, don’t you?)
真空(シンクウ): a vacuum, a void space
真実(シンジツ): truth, reality, fact
真正(シンセイ): genuineness
真理(シンリ): the truth, verity (if 真理 is used as a first name or part of a first name, it is often pronounced まり)
写真(シャシン): a photograph
真心(まごころ): sincerity, a true heart, devotion
真(ま)っ青(さお)(な): very blue, deadly pale
真(ま)っ直(す)ぐ: (dead) straight, (as) straight as an arrow
真名/真字(まな): (block-style) Chinese characters (as opposed to 仮名(かな – Hiragana and Katakana))
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