If あんまり is used without a negative ending, it is a なadjective meaning “awful” or “unreasonable.” It usually follows phrases like “~なんて,” “~とは,””~って” or “~は.”

If あんまり is used without a negative ending, it is a なadjective meaning “awful” or “unreasonable.” It usually follows phrases like “~なんて,” “~とは,””~って” or “~は.”
Today’s ~ながら means “in spite of ~,” “although ~,” etc. The “~” part is usually a verb or phrase that describes a condition, rather than a momentary action.
Today’s Grammar Point: あまり(に/にも)~と / あんまり(にも)~と Connection あまり(に/にも) [いadj] と: if too ~あまり(に/にも) [なadj] だと: if too ~あまり(に/にも) [verb] と: if ~ excessively…
Today’s Grammar Point: あまり~ない / あんまり~ない Connection あまり [いadj] ない: not very ~あまり [なadj] ない: not very ~あまり [verb] ない: not very…
Today’s post is about the expression あまりの~に…, which means because of excessive ~, …. Read example sentences and get the feel of its usage.
Today’s Grammar Point: あまりに(も)~ Connection あまりに(も) [いadj]あまりに(も) [なadj]あまりに(も) [verb] Possible English Translation so ~ that ・・・too ~ to ・・・ (when…
Today’s Question 昨日20センチあまりの雪が降った。How much snow did we get?a. a bit more than 20 cm deepb. exactly 20 cm deepc. a…