Today’s #kanji is 港, which is listed under its semantic element of #さんずいへん(氵), which suggests a connection with water. Its phonetic element is 巷, which has the meaning of “a street.”
Today’s #kanji is 流, which is listed under the radical of #さんずいへん(氵), water. 流 is a compound ideograph made of 水 (water) and 㐬 whose meaning is …
Today’s #kanji is 消, which is listed under its semantic element of #さんずいへん(氵), water. Its phonetic element is 肖, which has the meaning of “small (quantity).”
Today’s #kanji is 泳, which is listed under its semantic element of #さんずいへん(氵), which suggests a connection with water. Its phonetic element is 永.
Today’s #kanji is 渡, which is listed under its semantic element of #さんずいへん(氵), water. Its phonetic element is 度 although 渡 and 度 don’t quite share a sound.
Today’s #kanji is 治, which is listed under its semantic element of #さんずいへん(氵), water. Its phonetic element is 台, although 治 and 台 do not share a sound.
Today’s #kanji is 酒, which is listed under its phonetic element of #ひよみのとり(酉), which means “sake container”. Its semantic element is #さんずいへん(氵), water.
Today’s #kanji is 法, which is listed under 氵. 法 used to be written as 灋, which is a compound ideograph made of 水 (being fair), 廌 (holy animal) and 去 (to leave).
Today’s #kanji is 済, which is listed under its semantic element of #さんずいへん(氵), water. 済 used to be written as 濟 and 齊 is its phonetic element. 齊 means “pure.”
Today’s #kanji is 浮, which is listed under its semantic element of #さんずいへん(氵). Its phonetic element is 孚. 孚 is not listed in the everyday use kanji.
Today’s #kanji is 演, which is listed under its semantic element of #さんずいへん(氵). Its phonetic element is 寅 although 演 and 寅 do not share a sound.
Today’s #kanji is #深, which is a variant of 㴱. 㴱 is made of its semantic element of #さんずいへん and…
満 is a simplified character of 滿, made of its semantic element of #さんずいへん(氵) and the phonetic element of 㒼, although 満 and 㒼 don’t share a sound in Japanese.
This week’s #kanji is #決. It is made of its semantic element of #さんずいへん(氵)and its phonetic element of 夬.氵 shows…
Today’s #kanji is #注, which is listed its semantic element of #さんずいへん(氵). Its phonetic element is 主, though 注 and…
Today’s #kanji is #池, which is made of さんずいへん(氵) and 也. 也 is supposed to be the sound element but…
Today’s first #kanji is #洗. Another #さんずいへん(氵) kanji. Its つくり (the right side of a kanji) is #先, which serves…
Today’s second #kanji is #泊. Again it has a #さんずいへん(氵), which indicates some association with water. This time its つくり…
Today’s first #kanji is #活, which is made of #さんずいへん(氵) and #舌(ゼツ/した/tongue)although its original つくり (the right side of a…
Meaning: the Han dynasty (China), the name of a river in China Reading: カン 漢字(カンジ): a kanji, a Chinese…