Today’s #kanji is #代, which is listed under its semantic element of #にんべん(亻). Its phonetic element is 弋 which is not included in the 常用漢字 (everyday kanji) list and it does not share a sound with 代.
Meaning: to represent, to succeed; a generation; a price
Reading: ダイ、たい、か(が)、よ、しろ(じろ)
(お)代(ダイ): a price, a charge, a fee, a fare
代理(ダイリ): representation, a proxy, an agent, a substitute
時代(ジダイ): a period, an epoch; an age, an era; a generation
世代(セダイ): a generation
交代(コウタイ): a change, a replacement, a substitute
代(か)える: to substitute… for…, to put … in place of…
代(か)わる: to take place of…, to stand in for …, to take over for…
千代紙(ちよがみ): paper with coloured figures, figured paper
代物(しろもの): a thing, stuff, an article
のり代(しろ): a margin for gluing, a tab for sticking down, the flap (of an envelope)
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