#古 is listed under the radical of #くち(口/mouth), 口 combined with 十 (10), 古 means “something which has passed down 10 generations.”
Meaning: old
Reading: コ、ふる
古代(コダイ): ancient times, the distant past
古典(コテン): classics
古風(コフウ)(な): antique, old-fashioned
中古(チュウコ)(の): second-hand
復古(フッコ): restoration, revival
古(ふる)い : old (usually not used for people.
i.e.”An old man” in Japanese is 年配の男性, not 古い男の人.)
古巣(ふるす): an old nest (home), one’s former haunts
古本(ふるホン): a secondhand book, an old book
お古(ふる): a hand-me-down
Can be read as:
古(いにしえ): ancient time
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