Today’s #kanji is 治, which is listed under its semantic element of #さんずいへん(氵), which suggests a connection with water. Its phonetic element is 台, although 治 and 台 do not share a sound in Japanese.

Meaning: to govern, to correct, etc.
Reading: ジ、チ、おさ、なお
政治(セイジ): politics, government, administration
退治(タイジ)する: to exterminate, to eliminate, to eradicate
治安(チアン): law and order, public safety, public security
治療(チリョウ): (a) treatment (of an illness), (a) therapy
完治(カンチ): a complete recovery, a complete cure
自治(ジチ): self-government, autonomy, home rule
治(おさ)まる: vi. to calm down, to be pacified, to get better
国が治まる: Peace reigns in the country.
怒りが治まる: Anger subsides.
咳が治まる: The cough is better.
治(おさ)める: vt. to rule (a country), to manage; to suppress (a rebellion)
国を治める: to govern a country, to administer the affairs of state
けんかを治める: to settle a quarrel
治(なお)す: vt. to cure, to put right
ケガを治す: to heal a wound
虫歯を治す: to deal with a cavity
治(なお)る: vi. to get well, to recover
病気が治るl to get better from one’s disease
自然に治る: to heal naturally, to get better by itself
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- さんずいへん
