Today’s #kanji is 済, which is listed under its semantic element of #さんずいへん(氵), which suggests a connection with water. 済 used to be written as 濟 and 齊 is its phonetic element. 齊 means “pure” so 済 originally meant “a very clean river.”

Meaning: to save, to accomplish, etc.
Reading: サイ(ザイ)、す、な*
済世(サイセイ): promotion of social welfare
救済(キュウサイ)する: to relieve, to give relief, to help
共済(キョウサイ): mutual aid, musual benefit
共済組合: a mutual aid association, a cooperative
共済年金: a mutual association pention
経済(ケイザイ): economy, economics, economic conditions
決済(ケッサイ): settlement of accounts, liquidation
返済(ヘンサイ): payment, repayment, reimbursement, refundment
弁済(ベンサイ): returning what one has borrowed, repayment of a loan, settlement
済(す)ます/済(す)ませる: 1. to finish, to get through; 2. to make do (with…), to manage (with…); 3. to resolve, to settle
済(す)む: 1. to end, to be concluded; 2. to be enough, to make do with…; 3. to be resolved
check examples of this usage in this post
Customary Reading
済(な)し崩(くず)し: 1. paying (a debt) little by little; 2. gradual demolition
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- さんずいへん
