Today’s #kanji is #試, which is listed under its semantic element of #ごんべん(言) and its phonetic element is 式, although 試 and 式 don’t share a sound in the modern Japanese.
Meaning: to try
Reading: シ、こころ、ため(だめ)
試運転(シウンテン): a trial run, test operation
試乗(シジョウ): a test drive (of a car), a test ride (of a motorcycle)
試食(シショク): sampling; taste-testing
試験(シケン): an examination, a test; an experiment, a trial
試薬(シヤク): a (chemical) reagent
入試(ニュウシ)<= 入学試験(ニュウガクシケン): an entrance examination, a matriculation
試(こころ)みる: to try/attempt (to do…), to take a chance
新(あたら)しい試(こころ)み: a new attempt, a new venture
新薬(シンヤク)を試(ため)す: to test (to conduct an experiment with) a mew medicine
肝(きも)試(だめ)し: a test of a person’s courage
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