The most suitable answer is c.み and the word that cannot be used there is b.くれ.
(✓) 新しいレストランに行ってみました。I tried (going to) a new restaurant.
(X) いつものレストランに行ってみました。I tried going to my usual restaurant. – unnatural
(✓) このくつ、はいてみてもいいですか。May I try (putting) on these shoes?
If you say 食べてしまいました, it sounds like you are somewhat regretting it, so おいしかったですよ doesn’t really go well there, although again depending on the context, you may be able to say it. I probably will write more about this pattern some other time.
食べてくれる means “somebody eats it for me” so it does not suit the context at all.
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