This week’s #kanji is #認, which is made of its semantic element of #ごんべん (言) and its phonetic element of 忍.
Meaning: to recognize, to allow
Reading: ニン、みと、したた*
認可(ニンカ): approval, authorization, license, permission
認識(ニンシキ): cognition, recognition, awareness, understanding
認証(ニンショウ): authentication, certification, validation
認定(ニンテイ): recognition, identification, approval
確認(カクニン): confirmation, affirmation, certification, verification, validation
誤認(ゴニン): a mistake,a mistaken assumption
承認(ショウニン): approval, consent, agreement
容認(ヨウニン): admission, toleration
認(みと)める: to recognize, to notice, to spot
認(したた)める: to write, to put down
認(みとめ)印(イン): a signet, a personal seal
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