Today’s Question
If a sign says 靴のまま入らないこと, what do you need to do?
Today’s Grammar Point: ~こと/~ことだ
~こと has many, many meanings but this post is about the ~こと that is used as a command or a suggestion. As a command in the plain form, ~こと doesn’t sound too strong but because it is a command, do not use this pattern to people who are in the higher position than you are, such as your bosses and teachers. ~こと is often used in the point form. ~ことだ are basically the same but it sounds a bit more like a suggestion.
- [dictionary form verb] + こと(だ)
- [ないform verb] + こと(だ)
- [noun] の + こと(usually not followed by だ in this format)
Practice Japanese every day!全部ひらがなで書くこと。
You must write everything in Hiragana.ローマ字を使わないこと。
Don’t use Roomaji.英語を話さないこと。
Don’t speak in English.靴のまま入らないこと。(Today’s Question Sentence)
Don’t enter with your shoes on.まず良い辞書を買うことだ。
The first thing to do is to buy a good dictionary.自分の職業は自分で決めることだ。
You must decide yourself what job to get.借りたものはさっさと返すことだ。
You should give back whatever you borrowed as soon as possible.返せないものは借りないことだ。
Don’t borrow what you can’t return.午後 3 時にここに集合のこと。
Meet here at 3:00 p.m.パスポートを持参のこと。
Bring your passport.
Answer to today’s question: You should take your shoes off before entering.
- こと





[non-past plain verb] + ことになる

[non-past verb] + ことがあります

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