~かた means “how to ~” and it is used with a verb stem. You also need to remember the particle used before ~かた is always の,
Today’s grammar point is ~はじめる, to start to ~, which is similar to ~だす. This post explains the differences between the two with examples.
Today’s Question What’s the difference between the following two?a. 進路(しんろ)について話(はな)しました。b. 進路(しんろ)について話(はな)し合(あ)いました。 Today’s Grammar Point: ~合(あ)う Connection [selected verb stem] +…
[verb stem]+続(つづ)ける
a. 父(ちち)は50年間(ねんかん)このラジオを聞(き)き__。a. ついた b. つけた c. つづいた d. つづけた The intended meaning is “My father kept listening to this radio…
やっとレポートを書き( )。a. おえた b. とまった c. とめた d. やんだ Yesterday, I talked about ~出(だ)す and ~始(はじ)める both of which mean…
Which two are almost the same? a. あめが ふりおえた。b. あめが ふりだした。c. あめが ふりはじめた。d. あめが ふりやんだ。 [verb stem] + 出(だ)す and…
Your son has a big exam tomorrow but he is playing a game. Which of the following are you likely…
[stem] + すぎ ます/です
This post explains how we describe an excessive action/condition in Japanese, using すぎます.
This post also explain the difference between すぎます and すぎです for advanced learners of Japanese.
~そうです is often used to make a prediction statement but depending on who is making the prediction, what comes before そうです differs.