The English verb “to have” has many meanings one of which is to show an ownership. When you own these things in the picture, how do you say “I have….” in Japanese?
In Japanese, you need to use different words depending on what you have.
1. family members and animals: ~が います。
I have an older sister.
I have a family.
I have a horse.
馬(うま)がいます。If you have a pet, you can say ~を かっています, which is closer to “to keep” in English.
I have (keep) a dog.
2. physical items – vague ownership: ~が あります
I have some ice cream.
アイスクリームが あります。
I have a computer.
コンピューターが あります。
3. physical items – strong ownership: ~を もっています。
I have a car.
くるまを もっています。くるまが あります is probably more natural way of saying it but it merely means that there is a car (that I can use) and the car could be somebody else’s.
Similarly, if you say アイスクリームを もっています, it sounds like you are holding ice cream with you.
4. attribute or physical feature: (~は) …が xxx です。
I have short hair.
わたしは かみが みじかい です。
Elephants have long trunks.
ぞうは はなが ながい です。This is the hardest one to explain, so I will attach my Youtube video here.