a. ピアノがひかれますか。
b. ピアノをひきますか。
c. ピアノがひけますか。
d. ピアノにひけますか。
ピアノをひくことができますか。= Can you play the piano, and the sentence with that meaning is c. ピアノがひけますか。
The English “can” or “be able to” can be expressed in 2 different ways in Japanese. One is to use “[dictionary verb] + ことができる” and the other is to use a potential verb or a verb in its potential form.
A potential verb is a separate verb which derives from a go-dan verb and has the meaning of “can/able” in it. In order to change a go-dan verb into a potential verb, you need to change the letter before -ます from the -i sounding letter to the -e sounding letter of the same consonant column. i.e.
いいます/いう (to say) ⇒ いえます/いえる (can say)
かきます/かく (to write) ⇒ かけます/かける (can write)
たします/たす (to add) ⇒ たせます/たせる (can add)
As these potential verb are meant to end in -eます/-eる, they are all ichi-dan verb.
If you want to add a meaning of “can” to an ichi-dan verb, you need to change it into a potential form by adding られ between its stem and ます. i.e.
おきます/おきる (to get up) ⇒ おきられます/おきられる (can get up)
たべます/たべる (to eat) ⇒ たべられます/たべられる (can eat)
As for the 2 irregular verbs, します/する changes to できます/できる and きます/くる changes to こられます/こられる.
The recent trend is that people skip ら from a potential form verb (that ending in -られます/-られる), so many young people say:
While it is important for Japanese learners to be able to understand these words, they have not quite become the standard yet, so I do recommend to remember the phrase with ら in it.
What has been explained up to here appears in this video.
One thing you need to remember with potential (form) verbs is that the particle を in a sentence without the meaning of “can” often changes to が in a sentence with a potential (form) verb:
ピアノをひきます。(I play the piano)
ピアノがひけます。(I can play the piano)スキーをします。(I ski)
スキーができます。(I can ski)
More examples:
I can write kanji characters.百円(ひゃくえん)で 何(なに)が買(か)えますか。
What can you buy for 100 yen?家(いえ)の前(まえ)の海(うみ)でおよげますよ。
We can swim in the sea in front of our house.野菜(やさい)がたくさんとれました。
We could harvest lots of vegetables.そんなことは言(い)えません。
I can’t say such a thing.ゆうべは眠(ねむ)れませんでした。
I couldn’t sleep last night.車(くるま)は急(きゅう)に止(と)まれない。
Cars cannot stop suddenly.お酒(さけ)が飲(の)めないんです。
I can’t drink alcohol.わたしはピーナツが食(た)べられない。
I cannot eat peanuts.朝(あさ)五時(ごじ)なんて、起(お)きられないよ。
I can’t get up at such an early time of 5 o’clock.そんなところには、いられません。
I cannot stay in a place like that.そのシャツは 小(ちい)さくて着(き)られません。
That shirt is too small. I cannot wear it.どっちがいいか決(き)められない。
I can’t decide which is better.こっちに来(こ)られますか。
Can you come here/this way?
For more study material for JLPT N4 exam, please visit JLPT N4 Grammar and Vocab and JLPT N4 Kanji pages.
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