[てform] + いただけますか/いただけませんか is a very polite way of asking someone for a favour. They are almost the same as [てform] + くださいますか/くださいませんか respectively.

[てform] + いただけますか/いただけませんか is a very polite way of asking someone for a favour. They are almost the same as [てform] + くださいますか/くださいませんか respectively.
The pattern of [てform] + います is used to describe either an action in progress or the state/condition after an action has been completed. Read examples.
How to Convert Polite form into Plain form 1-dan verb 5-dan verb いadjective なadjective/ noun non past affirmative (dictionary form)Click…
Connection いadjective: change the last い into くなadjective: add に Explanation An adjective describes a noun whether it’s placed before…
How to make てform Connection ~ [てform] … Meaning ~ and ・・・In case of 2 verbs connected, the actions happened in…
日本(にほん)では電車(でんしゃ)の中(なか)で電話(でんわ)で話(はな)しては( )です。a. いい b. オーケー c. だめ d. なれ The intended meaning is: “You must NOT talk on the phone…
から has many meanings but all beginners need to remember the difference between ~てから and ~たから. Check these example sentences.
~うちに means “while ~” or “before the state of ~ ends.” It is similar to ~あいだに but ~うちに has a bit more urgent sound. Read examples here.
When will you most likely hear “あの先生はやさしいと言ってもいい”? a. When the teacher is absolutely nice.b. When the teacher is rather nice.c.…
~てほしい is used when I want somebody else to do something. Usually used in the pattern of [a person]に [てform] ほしい. This post explains the negative version as well
~ています is often used to describe and action in progress. However ~ています like ~てあります can be used to describe a state. Read the explanation.
~てしまう/しまいます is used to describe something you have done something fully but you didn’t mean to do so and implies the feeling of regret or surprise.
I’m glad I bought this.これを( )よかった。a. かう b. かえば c. かった d. かって The correct answer is d. かって. [てform]…
Thank you for watching my video.わたしの ビデオを _____ ありがとう。What would you put in the blank? The correct answer is みて…
あのレコードがあったら_____買(か)います。a. たかいがb. たかいけどc. たかいのにd. たかくても Today’s topic is an adversative conjunction, [てform]+も, which is usually translated as “even if”. All…
おそく ( ) すみません。a. なった b. なって c. なります d. なる Sorry for …ing … Sometimes you need to apologize…
Could you please make a cake for me? a. ケーキを つくって いただきませんか。b. ケーキを つくって くださいませんか。c. ケーキを つくって さしあげませんか。d. ケーキを つくって…
I asked my husband (おっと)to cut my son’s hair (かみ), so he did it. All of the following sentences more…